Horror Curated Magazine

Curated by J.S. O'Connor, 5 Spooky Places for Halloween

Need a spooky true-life haunting to recount at your Halloween parties? Here are a few to send tingles up those spines!
THE AXE MURDER HOUSE, IOWA Villisca is a small town with a population just over 1,000, located in southeastern Iowa. It's a peaceful little town with the exception of one house with a bad reputation. Read the full article in Horror Curated: Halloween.

Curated by Courtney Mroch, The Trouble with "Most Haunted" Lists

Every year around this time, publications start releasing their picks for the "most haunted" of...well, everything. While "most haunted lists" are fun to look at--because, let's face it, we're hard-wired to rank things these days (thanks, Google)--they have a problem. They're not actually what they say they are. The trouble is with how the majority of "Most Haunted" lists are created. A lot of places follow the same approach as Travel + Leisure and Live Science and don't disclose the method for their listing madness. They just list those storied places we've all grown up hearing are haunted. Read the full article in Horror Curated: Halloween.

Curated by Courtney Mroch, 2 Places for Bloody, Haunted Teas

As some wise unknown soul once noted, "A cup of tea solves everything." It's true, isn't it? The moment you pour the elixir into your preferred cup or mug, "The spirit of the tea beverage is one of peace, comfort, and refinement," as English author Arthur Gray so sagely stated. Whatever's going on at that moment-whether turbulent or untroubled-tea is an adaptogen of the soul. It provides healing, solace, reflection, or just a cherished moment of respite from our harried schedules. And if you're looking for creative, spooktacular blends, let's check out two places you can find haunting teas. Read the full article in Horror Curated: Bloody Tea.

Photo by Kenny Eliason.
Curated by Courtney Mroch, 5 Spooky Locations with Christmas Names,

In this cemetery, you'll find the grave of Sa-Sa-Na Loft, a Mohawk Indian maiden who was killed in a train crash in the area. During her life, she had converted to Christianity and enthusiastically spread the gospel in the area. The people were so saddened by her tragic death that they raised the money for her obelisk, wanting to not only erect something in her honor and memory but also to bury her in their cemetery. However, Sa-Sa-Na's family wanted to bring her home with them. But the people of Owego won out and Sa-Sa-Na was buried there. Some said that shortly after her internment, soft voices chanting Mohawk songs floated out from the woods. Was it her ancestors come to comfort her, or family members quietly grieving unseen and sheltered by the trees?" Read the full article in Horror Curated.